Culmore Clinic Celebrates a Successful Open House!
On Tuesday, October 22nd, Culmore Clinic held our annual Open House and Silent Auction. The event was once again a great success, bringing in nearly 100 supporters. Each open house is an opportunity for us to give our Annual “State of Culmore Clinic” update and this year we were able to report a lot of good news and success!
For starters, we were able to report that the clinic has seen a 109% growth in patients over the last year, with 83% more primary care visits over the same time period. As it stands, we are closing in on almost 900 current patients in total.
We also highlighted the work of our volunteers, and in particular the work of Pamela Bierce (pictured below), who this year logged the most hours at 496. A truly amazing accomplishment!
Additionally, we recognized all the who did so much to support our work through fundraising. In particular, we spotlighted the work of Pat Hynes (pictured below with flowers) for her fundraising event marking her two decades of living cancer free, and thanked Diane and Ralph Smalley for offering up their home for our July fundraiser earlier in the year. Excitingly, we also welcomed back Culmore Clinic founders, Ann Cartwright and Terry O’Hara Lavoie!
The fabulous dream team from The Oasis Alliance (pictured above), that partnered with us on the refresh of The Clinic with trauma-informed design in mind, were there to see everyone’s reactions to the makeover of the new entryway, waiting area and hallways (made possible in part thanks to a Trauma Informed Spaces Grant from Fairfax County).
The great evening was capped off by having live music and a “Happy Birthday” sing-along to the two Culmore Clinic staff members who happened to be celebrating their birthdays, Lynette Sappe-Watkins and Monica Travez.
Thanks again to everyone who came out and made this yet another wonderful event. We cannot wait to see you again next year!