No Cracks Here - Culmore Clinic Catches Patients That Slip Through the Cracks of the MEDICAL System
So often, we find that by the time our patients come through our doors, they have been lost in the medical system, bouncing from Emergency Room to Emergency Room, without a continuity of care, or a firm understanding of their particular health issues. Our patients do not have health insurance and generally do not have a primary care physician. When there is a health issue, they are forced to visit Emergency Rooms (as ERs are legally obligated to treat patients regardless of their health insurance status). When they get to the Emergency Room, there are often language and cultural barriers, and the time the provider can spend with them is limited by the ER’s capacity which is often over extended.
Time and time again, these patients fall through the cracks in the system.
But, that’s where Culmore Clinic comes in.
We offer affordable (or free) healthcare to patients without insurance and strive to empower our patients to take an active role in their health. This starts with partnering with each individual, taking the time to ensure they understand all aspects of their health in a comprehensive way, and that this information is shared in their native language with culturally-appropriate communication. We find that once this approach is established, and a trusting relationship is built, our patients’ health improves exponentially.
Here’s just one example of this care…
When “K,” a 44 year old man, arrived at Culmore Clinic he had an extensive cardiac history. His first heart attack occurred when he was just 38 years old, and since then he has suffered multiple heart attacks and strokes. He had been in and out of the ER many times for chest pains and intense headaches. He had several heart procedures done, and was prescribed medications for high blood pressure.
However, K did not have a firm understanding of his health or his needed healthcare. He did not understand that his headaches were connected to his high blood pressure. And that his chest pains were related to his high cholesterol and dietary habits. He was also out of refills for his vital blood pressure medication.
A Culmore Clinic provider reaches for a blood pressure cuff.
During his first appointment at Culmore Clinic, K’s blood pressure was dangerously high (181/124). We provided him refills for his medications as well as the much needed information (in his first language) regarding each medications’ purpose, and how it should be taken. We also provided him information about how high blood pressure can lead to stroke, and how his diet can affect his cholesterol which can also affect his heart health.
Like so many patients we see at Culmore Clinic, this approach was successful. K’s blood pressure is now normal and his risk for subsequent heart attack and stroke is greatly reduced. He monitors his blood pressure at home with a cuff that we provided to him, and he records his numbers regularly, bringing the log to his appointment. He is now an informed participant in his health.