Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Alvaro Puig-Rodriguez, Volunteer Internist & Endocrinologist

Volunteers founded Culmore Clinic in 2007 and to this day it is still significantly volunteer run. Regularly we like to spotlight one of the volunteers that ensures Culmore Clinic continues to provide quality, culturally sensitive healthcare at little to no cost to our uninsured patients. 

For Doctors Appreciation Month, we are spotlighting Dr. Alvaro Puig-Rodriguez, our Volunteer Internist and Endocrinologist.

Picture of Dr. Puig-Rodriguez, a hispanic man in his thirties wearing a white doctor's coat, sitting and smiling

Culmore Clinic is not the first and only place that Dr. Puig-Rodriguez has volunteered his talents for the greater good. He and his wife, Claudia Ardila, who is a practicing Dentist, both donate their services to various Latin-American Embassies in DC, in hopes of providing affordable medical care to the Hispanic community.

Originally from Bogota, Colombia, giving back to his community has always been very important to him. And so, when our Medical Director approached Dr. Puig-Rodriguez through the Medical Society of Northern Virginia about providing care to our patients, he was excited to get started.

He is board certified in Internal Medicine with areas of expertise in Endocrinology, Health Care Quality Management and Physician Advisory, among others. He is affiliated with Reston Hospital and Virginia Hospital Center and practices both outpatient and inpatient care. He operates his own practice from Falls Church, a very convenient spot for our patients, who visit him there.

Dr. Puig-Rodriquez sees about five Culmore Clinic patients a week at his office. This is made particularly easy thanks to his assistants Karina, Juliet and Simon, who find time in his schedule and provide the post-consultation notes to us. We are particularly lucky to have Dr. Puig-Rodriguez as we can refer our patients that need care for their diabetes, dyslipidemia, osteoporosis, thyroid and adrenal conditions.

When Dr. Puig-Rodriguez is not practicing medicine, he is practicing piano! As a trained professional pianist, he has seen the way music can heal. Next for Dr. Puig, he is hoping to launch a pilot program where he can work to connect the healing power of piano to the healing power of medicine. We are staying tuned…so to speak!

Thank you so much for everything you do for Culmore Clinic’s patients and the community at large, Dr. Puig-Rodriguez! We couldn’t do it without you and we are extremely grateful!